At  Our Members are: Making Connecticut’s spaces and places beautiful, safe and pest-free.

 Our mission: To improve the quality of life for Connecticut families through leadership, stewardship, sustainability and compliance.

What we do:

  • Galvanize, unite and inform our diverse members on issues concerning pesticides, integrated pest management, fertilizers and water conservation efforts.
  • Work closely with policy makes and regulators to provide the best services and products to Connecticut families.
  • Clarify facts and myths on fertilizer, pesticide and water use.
  • Offer professional development and educational opportunities to our members.
  • Encourage involvement with grassroots advocacy and legislative procedures.
  • Strive to provide the highest quality of life for Connecticut families.

Priority Issues:

  • Expand safe school grounds management to all schools.
  • Maintain state preemption for fertilizers and pesticides.