
Join CTEC Today!

Why become a member? Essential Resources for You and Your Business

Networking: Become part of a community of professionals who share the same concerns, ideals and passions regarding the health, safety and beauty of Connecticut’s spaces and places.

Advocacy: Stay informed and up to date on governmental regulations, legislative movements and other environmental issues throughout the state, as well as ways you can get involved and make a difference.

Education: Further your expertise with our educational and professional development programs and re-certification opportunities.

How can you get involved? Stay Active to Make a Difference

Membership: Join our association and receive all these benefits and more!

Grassroots Advocacy: We support and encourage our members to get involved with local legislators and policy makes to make a difference in their community.

Report: Confidentially report unlicensed pesticide applications to keep Connecticut safe.

Social Events: Engage other professionals at annual networking meetings and golf tournaments. Stay informed while having fun!

Membership Classifications:

Class A: $250 - Annual revenue less than $.5 million

Class B: $500 - Annual revenue greater than $.5 million and less than $3 million

Class C: $1000 - Annual revenue greater than $3 million

AFFM Applicant is a member of an affiliated organization (not an owner) $100. Affiliate organizations are CT Groundskeepers Assoc. CT Pest Control Assoc. CT Irrigation Contractors Assoc., CT Tree Protective Assoc.

IND Applicant is not a member of an affiliated organization in the green industry, nor is an owner $50

GC Golf course membership $135

Download Application or Apply Online

Vendor/Organization Membership entitles member to vendor booth and one lunch at annual meeting, a technical article in our online newsletter, listing in our publications $440
Vendors, please click below to join.